Our vision is to provide clients with a more personalized experience, more investment options, under a high fiduciary and regulatory standard. A top tier financial advisor platform will empower PWM to be singularly focused on our clients’ best interests while providing enhancements to their experience.
We are excited to announce that the PWM Private Wealth Counsel team will operate with the Canadian Securities Administrators’ registered Portfolio Management firm, Q Wealth Partners (Q Wealth), using National Bank, the same custodian of your accounts at iA, a Custodian & Trustee who oversees more than $300 billion of assets for more than a million Canadians. Q Wealth Partners is a partnership of Portfolio Managers - exclusively for advisors who want to transcend the investment dealer world to become true fiduciaries and integrate wealth management with financial planning and client experience – where money meets meaning.
This collaboration opens doors to expanded investment opportunities provided by Q Wealth’s pension fund style asset management capabilities, aimed at helping clients achieve their unique financial goals with less volatility and greater consistency. We are very excited to work with Q Wealth’s Chief Investment Officer, Larry Berman, CFA, CMT, CTA, who brings over 30 years of expertise to investment portfolios offered through Q Wealth. Through our Partnership with Q Wealth, you will have access to exclusive asset classes and strategies—like private debt, equity, and options—that are usually reserved for institutions and hedge funds. Larry brings a wealth of knowledge with his notable reputation as one of Canada’s top technical analysts and host of Berman’s Call on BNN Bloomberg, he has solidified himself as a premier resource in ETF investment strategies.
And most importantly this partnership with Q Wealth allows PWM to spend our time providing high levels of service to clients across the entire wealth and life management spectrum.
We will be working with a core portfolio management team at Q Wealth comprised of portfolio managers with CFAs, CIMs, CFPs, and other key credentials to provide the expertise and experience to provide excellent client experience and investment portfolios. In the coming weeks, we will introduce some other new additions to our team.

We believe this transition will allow us to provide a higher level of service to our clients, including access to more diversified investment opportunities through Q Wealth, including private asset classes, stringent regulatory oversight from Securities Commissions in the jurisdictions we operate in, including the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan, the use of enhanced technology platforms, including client portals and reporting, and overall, the highest fiduciary standards for portfolio managers in Canada.
We are reaching out to clients so we can prepare to open accounts and the transfer documentation to serve you as part of our expanded wealth management and financial service offerings. You will be hearing from our team members in the coming days to schedule meetings and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to meeting with you and sharing more on these exciting next steps at PWM and Q Wealth!
If you have any questions in the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact our office at 306-975-9500 or 800-652-7472.
Kevin Hegedus, CIM®, CFP®
Senior Wealth Advisor, Founding Partner, Financial Planner
PWM Private Wealth Counsel